Voucher | Elevación | Localidad | |
BioBot10833 | 600 m.s.n.m. | Colectado en el bosquesito cercano a la casa de los gusaneros | |
BioBot10837 | 600 m.s.n.m. | Colectado en el bosquesito cercano a la casa de los gusaneros | |
BioBot11062 | 540 m.s.n.m. | 100 metros al noroeste de punte Gongora margen del camino. | |
BioBot11523 | 785 m.s.n.m. | Estacion Pailas | |
BioBot11524 | 785 m.s.n.m. | Estacion Pailas | |
BioBot11525 | 785 m.s.n.m. | Estacion Pailas | |
nz-6388 | 600 m.s.n.m. | Guanacaste Conservation Area Rincón de la Vieja National Park Santa María Station Trail to Cerro Orosí along the ridge between Tempisquito River and Tempisquito River south lower part of the trail | |
nz-6889 | 300 m.s.n.m. | Área de Conservación Guanacaste Sector Península de Santa Elena sitio La Angostura- La Cuesta bajando al cause del río Potrero Grande | |
nz-7095 | 700 m.s.n.m. | Guanacaste Liberia Área de Conservación Guanacaste Estación Maritza Send Los Petroglifos entre la Estación y la Quebrada La Yegüita | |
Voucher: BioBot10833
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10833
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10833
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10833
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10833
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10833
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10833
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10837
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10837
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10837
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10837
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10837
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10837
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot10837
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11062
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11062
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11062
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11062
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11062
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11062
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11062
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11523
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11523
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11523
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11523
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11523
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11523
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11524
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11524
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11524
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11524
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11524
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11524
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11525
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11525
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11525
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11525
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: BioBot11525
Colector: Adrian Guadamuz
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6388
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6889
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6889
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-6889
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7095
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7095
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Voucher: nz-7095
Colector: Nelson Zamora V.
Información recopilda y editada por Nelsón Zamora y Hanzel León
Fotografías e Información distribuidas bajo Licencia Creative Commons 4.0
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